Ermal Meta has recently reacted through a post on "Twitter" regarding the gathering of fans of Inter, their football team, which scored a victory yesterday.
After these remarks, a commentator addressed the artist, labeling him as "Albanian m*ti".
The Albanian singer reacted after this comment by writing:
"Italy 2021".
He has hinted that even though we are in 2021, in a European country such as Italy prejudices still continue.
We remember that Meta took third place in Sanremo with the song "Un milione di cose da dirti", making us all proud.
In the artistic classification, not including that of the public, the Albanian Ermal Meta held the first place, but he seemed very happy even with the final evaluation of the show.
A few days ago, Meta developed a long video on Instagram dedicated to the positive comments and energy he received during his participation in "Sanremo". To begin with, he thanked all those who appreciated his song, but he also stopped at the "critical" comments of the people who told him to return to his country.
"These comments do not affect me at all. But I want to stop at them because I don't think it's fair at all for people who are much younger than me to address me in that way, when in reality I'm more Italian than them, because I've lived in this country for more years, despite the fact that I came from another country. It's strange that I'm having this discussion in 2021 and I'm not touching on this topic because I like controversy, in fact I don't even care about it. What I want you to know is that saying these things and letting them go makes them seem normal. Speaking harshly and mentioning one's origin is not normal at all. We all live under one sky, we all have a common collective consciousness. This is hatred that I cannot accept because it is stupidity", said Ermali, who further made all Albanians proud with his words.
"Finally, I want to thank all those who support me and follow me because they love me. As for the rest of you, I have only one thing to say: If you knew just a little bit about the history of the country I come from, you would feel proud, just like me. I am proud of my roots and blood, and if you knew them you would feel proud to have them as neighbors. I invite you to read their story and you will be amazed."