The police have declared the sisters Mariela and Antonela Berisha wanted as they are accused of brutally assaulting a girl identified as Klea Prenga. The sisters are wanted by the authorities since the night before, when the brutal rape took place. They were not found in the apartment.
Police notification:
'Crime Investigation Specialists of the Police Station No. 1 have referred the materials to the Prosecutor's Office at the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction in Tirana and are working to locate the citizens AB, 28 years old, and MB, 28 years old, both residents of Tirana, for the criminal offense "Deliberate serious injury ” carried out in cooperation, provided by article 88/25 of the Criminal Code. These two citizens, in cooperation with each other, in the premises of a bar in Tirana, allegedly hit the KP citizen, 24 years old, in the face with a glass bottle.
In a post on social networks where she appears cut on the face and covered in blood, Klea Prenga claims that Antonela Berisha, former resident of BBV1 and former competitor of "Për'Puthen" and her sister, ordered someone to attack while he was in the restaurant where, as he says, someone approached him and hit him with a glass. (read here)
Among other things, the young woman says that the Berisha sisters have threatened her because, according to them, she has gotten in the middle of Mariela's family. The event will be pursued legally.