A serious event shook a private asylum in the "Ali Demi" neighborhood in Tirana. A banal quarrel with two elderly people ended in tragedy where one of them was left dead. Click here
The police announced earlier that 78-year-old Zyhdi Shehu hit Virghil Veshon on the head with a cane, leaving him dead on the spot.
The victim, 82 years old, and the perpetrator had earlier quarreled over the issue of the bed.
But who is Zyhdi Shehu?
Shehi has several publications in the field of history, and last year he was also declared "Honorary Citizen" of Kavaja.
According to the biography also published on the Facebook social network, Zyhdi Shehi graduated from the Pedagogical Institute of Shkodra for Language and Literature and then graduated by correspondence from the Faculty of Philology in Tirana, also for Language and Literature.
After a period of work as a teacher, in 1982, he started working at the Historical Museum of Kavaja.
In 1996, after the publication of numerous articles in the field of history and ethnography of the area, he published his first book, the monograph dedicated to the Kavaja patriot, Ahmet Bejtaga.
Then, in 2000, the monograph Andrea Ekonomi, "Teacher of the People", "Kavaja, prominent historical figures" 2005, "Indrit Cara", 2007, "Engineer Jani (Xhuf) Koljaka, e Diplomati Stavro Stavri", etc. In 1990, he was also awarded the "Naim Frashëri" medal for his work merits.