Capricorn hates to lie. And when he is forced to do this, he doesn't know and everything turns upside down. First, he has to decide to lie, which creates many deep threads inside his head. Second, he has to come up with something that will at least be believable, and this process also exhausts him beyond imagination. So, from the moment he tells a small or big lie, it is immediately noticed by all those who are in front of him that he is lying.
Aries has the opposite problem from Capricorn. He responds very quickly to anything that is asked of him and does not take time to think about what he means. So he looks confused on the outside or like he's telling a harsh truth. He's not known for impulse control, so if he feels the need to say something honestly, even if the truth will cause him trouble, he'll have a hard time stopping and thinking about what he's saying. Every time he lies, he certainly didn't think it through. So Dash doesn't make sense to do it. Will reveal in a moment!
Pisces feel terrible when they lie and their emotions are reflected on their face. It's a very expressive sign and that's a plus when it comes to expressing yourself honestly. But his expressiveness is a big disadvantage when he tries to tell a lie. He may be telling one story and his facial expressions tell another, completely different one that contradicts his words.
Leo is a very direct sign and feels comfortable telling the truth. So when he tries to lie, he feels a strange pressure inside, so that whatever he says will come out very false. In addition, if the person he is talking to asks probing questions, he will completely "play" them and will not be able to support either his lie or the details that accompany it with certainty.