When planning your vacation, the fact that you can get sick probably did not enter your visions. But according to pharmacists, travelers often fall victim to some common health problems when they go on vacation.
Niamh McMillan, pharmacist at Superdrug, shares her tips on how to stay fit on holiday and which inexpensive products can prevent your problems.
Digestive problems
According to Niamh, digestive problems can strike you when you visit countries that have lower standards of food hygiene, inadequate sanitary facilities and no access to clean water, although this can happen elsewhere.
"A major concern, traveler's diarrhea is one of the most common health problems that occur while traveling, so it's important to make sure your immune system is healthy." said the pharmacist.
Insect bites
Many return from vacation with a "collection" of itchy bug bites.
"Insect bites during vacations can be extremely annoying and painful," she adds.
There are a few things you can do to make sure you don't get "eaten" by mosquitoes or other insects while you're on vacation.
"Be sure to cover exposed skin if you're outside at times of day when insects are particularly active, such as sunrise or sunset, and apply insect repellent to exposed skin.", she said.
Irritated eyes
"When we are on vacation, there are a number of factors that can cause irritation in our eyes, such as the sea breeze, the salt water, the sunlight and even the climate. Climate plays an important role in how comfortable your eyes feel.”, she said.
While your first instinct may be to retreat indoors to an air-conditioned room, Niamh explained that this may not always be the best choice.
"Since the air conditioner dries out the air, this change in climate can also cause dry eyes"She said.
Niamh suggested getting some eye drops before heading out.
Lip problems
Most of us know that we should use sunscreen when we arrive in sunny areas to avoid painful sunburns.
However, many of us may forget to take care of our lips.
"One's lips are very sensitive to the sun's UV rays. Lips have a thin layer of skin and are one of the most vulnerable parts of the body because they are always exposed to the sun when a person is outside." says Niamh.
She advised to always apply a protective SPF balm to your lips at least 30 minutes before going outside and remember to reapply throughout the day, especially after eating or drinking.