After the exclusion of Rezart from Big Brother VIP Kosova 3, some of the residents have shared their opinions about this decision. For many of them, his departure has been positively received, given some of the actions he had taken inside the house.
Rezarti, on the other hand, did not welcome the reaction of some of the residents with whom he was closest - such as Mevlani, Drenusha and Gjesti. He said that the latter were the only ones with whom he had a strong connection for communication at home.
"For Drenusha, Mevlani and Gjesti and Xuxi, they were the only ones who were human, to communicate. I had to communicate with Drenusha and Mevlani. Drenusha cursed me with Mevlani, but it's okay. I didn't offend anyoneRezi said after the clip.
Mevlani, for his part, remained of the opinion that the exclusion was for the benefit of Rezarti, adding: "We do it for your benefit."
On the other hand, Gesti commented saying: "Well done, brother, but you were a little harsh in your words."