Blendi Fevziu has shown that he has not received any benefits on social networks. He is among the most followed and clicked characters, but he does not generate income from them because his goal is to reach audiences of different age groups.
Conversation with the youth of "Albanian Sunday":
Blendi Fevziu: I have followers on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, it's not that you have material benefits. This word "cooperation", I don't know...
Renisa: They talk more about their generation.
Blendi Fevziu: Not a cent earns, zero, from social networks.
Rejvis: No, I completely disagree here because I know people personally, okay because TikTok and Instagram are not authorized for an Albanian with a specific audience to enter the "creator" fund and receive a payment from the application itself. But when you create an audience base, it is the businesses themselves that contact you, as happens with sponsors on television.
Blendi Fevziu: This is marketing then, but it has nothing to do with it. I use social networks and I never make a single cent from the social network itself.
Revis: From the network to social itself, no, because you don't have one.
Blendi Fevziu: Not even from advertisements because I don't use the social network for advertisements. The social network, I personally…
Revis: I didn't have it for you personally, I have it as a whole.
Blendi Fevziu: No, I mean how you can use it, it's not always the click that turns into... why do I use the social network because many people ask me if you are curious. Television today mainly has loyal consumers sitting in front of the screen a little older, 45 years and older, I call them the remote control generation who still carry the remote control. I look around the house for the remote myself, even if I can control it with the phone app. My girlfriend also watches TV on her cell phone, on her computer, on her iPad or on YouTube, later, always "on demand", not "live". I'm used to 15:30 I want to see the news, 119:30 I want to see the news, and I forget that I can see the news at any hour of the day because the TV can be reversed and you can see it where you have it. This is a matter of how a particular generation is formed. I use social media to go primarily to the younger generation, so 35 and under, my biggest followers, over 50% are 24-35 years old, the second generation is 35-45 and then comes 18-24. Now even in this generation, beyond the typical product of the social network, Reels, etc., we also penetrate with television, which means that the product that is produced is mainly produced through television studios, but it is also distributed through Reels in social networks.