The spokesperson of the Prosecutor's Office in Peja, Shkodran Nikçi, was threatened after the statements about the case of violence in a disco in Peja, where the rapper Noizy was also involved. According to Ora, the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor has announced this.
Full notification:
The Office of the Chief State Prosecutor (ZKPSH) condemns the threat made to the Senior Public Communication Officer in the Basic Prosecutor's Office of Peja, Mr. Shkodran Nikçit, which comes as a result of his official work pronouncements regarding the actions taken by The State Prosecutor for the case of the beating in a discotheque in Pejë, where citizens of the Republic of Albania were involved.
The State Prosecutor in cooperation with other law enforcement institutions and the Albanian authorities will undertake all legal actions, writes Ora, they will treat this issue with high seriousness, so that the threatner will be brought to justice as soon as possible. .
Today the Court of Tirana has set the measure of "arrest in prison" for Rigels Rajku, known as Noizy, and for Bahtjar Bajraktar, his friend. The decision was made with the aim of extraditing them to Kosovo.
They were arrested yesterday in Lezhë at the request of the Kosovo authorities, they are accused of having raped Muhamet Isen, a character of "TikTok", together with several other people. The event happened after the end of a concert in Peja a few days ago.
(read here)