Netflix's new Swedish film "A Day and a Half" tells the story of an armed man named Artan, who forces his way into a local health care center to speak with his wife Louise and find out the daughter's whereabouts. their little Cassandra, whose custody he lost after being accused of assault.
Desperate, he kidnaps Louise along with Lukas, a local cop who arrived on the scene to negotiate with her, trying to buy time until the National Task Force shows up.
The story of "A day and a half" unfolds mostly inside a car, as we learn the truth about the characters and the many misunderstandings that had led them to this moment.
Is "A day and a half" based on a true story?
The film's director Fares Fares previously revealed to Vogue Scandinavia that the inspiration for the film came from an article he read in 2008.
Since this article was not widely disseminated in the media, there is not much information about how the actual situation developed, or how it ended. "A Day and a Half" appears to be entirely a fictional story, even if the original inspiration came from reality.