During the last show of Big Brother VIP Kosova, the dynamic between Ana and Kevin was further complicated by family interference. Ana, who seems to have developed a special closeness with Kevin, received a letter from her family advising her to leave the house due to their displeasure over her behavior in the game. Furthermore, a phone conversation with her sister suggested that she play solo and distance herself from Kevin, but Ana chose to stay home and continue her game.
On the other hand, in yesterday's show, Kevin's mother made a surprise visit to the house to give her son support and advice. During her speech, she did not hesitate to express her reservations about the possible relationship between Kevin and Anna, expressing concern over the interference of Anna's family members in her decisions.
"Love is above everything, but I didn't like family interference,” she said.
After Alauddin invited him to speak openly with Anna, Kevin's mother decided to do so. Addressing Ana, she expressed that she was aware of her family's concerns about Kevin. Ana explained that her family was not against Kevin, but more concerns had to do with her decision to enter BBVK, due to her young age and the fear that she might make a mistake.
"They had reservations about my entry from the beginning, they didn't have about Kevin,said Ana.