Naim Murseli, planned and paid his wife's killer three days ago.
It is suspected that he committed this crime for the reason that if they were separated, Liridona had threatened him that she would tell about all the thefts he had committed while he was Behgjet Pacolli's adviser.
The murder of Liridona happened in the presence of their two children, as Naimi confessed to the police about the crime committed.
But Naimi has taken various charitable initiatives in the past. He has a restaurant in Sweden and used to distribute free coffee to all the elderly.
We Albanians are humane and creative, I combined these two together to make this initiative also as a sign of thanks to the Swedes who welcomed us in our beginnings. It costs me nothing to make this gesture for them and they are grateful for it. I have been going to Sweden since 1992 and the Swedes have welcomed me very well.
@insajderiofficial #Kosovo #Albania #fyp #viral #kosova #alhqiptaretneperbote🇦🇱🌍 #albanians #foryoupageofficiall #viral #kosova #naimmurseli #liridonamurseli #granitplava ♬ Dramatic Military – Faid Rafanda