After the tensions and virtual clashes that have involved the two famous rappers Stresi and Don Xhoni, it seems that peace has been restored between them. Former MP Gani Geci has played an important role in this reconciliation, gathering the two artists in his tower in Llausha.
Geci shared this special moment with his followers on Facebook, where he posted a photo alongside Stresi and Don Xhoni, confirming the reconciliation between them. In his message, he emphasized the importance of unity among Albanians and the need to overcome unresolved clashes and conflicts.
"Dear friends, tonight in our tower in Llaushë were guests two great rap artists: Stresi – Arkimed Lushaj from Albania and Don Xhoni from Kosovo. The motto of the Albanian right-wing is: 'We are too little to be divided, too little to be divided, too little to be insulted with each other.' Albania and Kosovo are one and will always be one. God bless Albania! God bless Kosovo!", he wrote.