Allusions to a possible crisis in the relationship between Ilnisa and Meriton have been circulating for some time, but the pair has insisted that there is nothing to worry about. However, to find out more, Ilnisa was asked about this topic during an interview on the show "Wake Up" on Top Channel.
During the conversation, Ilnisa was shown some photos once published by Meritonin, which are no longer present on his Instagram profile. It was also mentioned that they no longer follow each other on this social network. Asked about these changes, Ilnisa answered briefly and clearly:
"We don't have, we don't have any new news,She said.
When asked further if they are well and in love, Ilnisa added with a smile:
"Like any normal couple that can..." and then went on to comment on the dynamics of the couple's relationship, noting how in every relationship little fights happen: "We are in the same house, we even fight."