Often, we are carried away by the idea of the perfection of our face, thus hiding its peculiarities with layers of makeup. But what positive effects does the lack of makeup have on our skin and even on our personality?
Here's what happens if you stop putting makeup on your face:
1. You have increased self-confidence
When you have a natural look, you don't have to worry about how you look in the eyes of others and in this way you will feel freer. Consequently, your self-confidence will increase and you will transmit this energy to the people you associate with.
2. People look more at who you are than what you put on your face
At first impression, people who don't know you will have a different opinion than who you really are if you put makeup on your face. They will connect your personality to what you put on your face.
So, if this has happened to you when you put on makeup, a completely "soap and water" face can help you avoid these judgments on your appearance.
3. You will find it easier to keep your skin in good condition
When you don't wear makeup, your skin will only need a facial cleanser. So the benefits of not wearing makeup, apart from being good for your skin, they're also good for your wallet.
4. When you are without makeup, you feel yourself
Scientists have done research, in collaboration with Kanebo Cosmetics, that before a woman puts on make-up, she feels as if she is taking on another person's face. For this reason, when a woman does not wear make-up, she feels completely herself and this is also reflected in her relationships with others.
5. Look younger without much effort
Young girls will look older when they make up their face. In addition, people tend to associate the use of makeup with adulthood, so when you wear makeup, other people will think that you are older than you really are.