The new moon in Scorpio will activate your seventh house, the house of partnerships, bringing new connections and commitments. You may have an opportunity to take your love life or professional life to the next level during this lunar cycle. Regardless of the status of your romantic relationship, you can use this lunar cycle to bring about a deeper and more meaningful commitment. If romance isn't on your mind, this lunar cycle could lead to a dream professional or financial deal. You can work with an important client, create an ideal contract or start a project that excites you.
The new moon in Scorpio demands authenticity. Being true to yourself will remind you that you have to be vulnerable too – which you don't like. You may have been hurt in the past when you showed your vulnerable side, but as hard as it is, you have to tear down the walls you build yourself. Start small, like wearing an outfit you love but have been holding back because you care what others think. Over time, you will realize that being authentic is your strength. Your weakness will give you strength to find yourself again.
We're talking now or never. Find the purpose that drives you during this time and focus on it. A new six-month cycle will begin in your tenth house of inheritance, achievement and fame. This empowering New Moon will not result in your typical lunar cycle. You have a wonderful opportunity to activate your goals. You can focus on your career or on a more personal achievement. No matter what your goal is, pursue it. Live your life to the fullest, because that's what's important right now.