The well-known rapper Noizy, invited to the "Ze me Miran" podcast, unlike other times, talked about his private life. In addition to his hits and how he created 'fame', the rapper has surprised with his statements. He showed for the first time that he does not know one of the world famous singers like Celine Dion, he even said that he does not know anyone like her work.
Mira Kazhani: Don't know who Celine Dion is? You can know it as a voice but you can't connect the face?
Noisy: No. Music yes. No, there's not much chance as I don't know her work.
As for the inspiration for the lyrics, the rapper revealed that it doesn't come from reading. He said that books for him are boring and what he reads are proverbs.
Mira Kazhani: Have you read books?
Noisy: No, I don't understand why I always say that I want to develop Albanian by reading, but they are 'boring', I get bored very quickly. I would never be a kid reading not poetry, but proverbs,"-said the rapper.