The arguments in the "Big Brother VIP 4" house yesterday were fierce. A fight broke out between Gjesti and Xumi, where the latter mentioned to the singer the relationship he had with Xhenete on Big Brother Vip Kosova.
"They took the woman's face for face, put her finger in her mouth...", Xumi said, to whom the gesture was addressed: ""I took you, Eglin, too." Regarding this statement by the singer, the resident has decided not to react in front of other residents, so that no one can use it against them.
On the other hand, Gjesti immediately apologized to Egli, and even spoke openly about his previous relationship.
Excerpts from the conversation:
Gesture: I don't have it easy either.
Egli: I'm very sorry, but at the moment I have my own problem to deal with. For the first time in this house I also have my own problem, those of my family and everyone else's. I thought it was a game, you made it clear to me from the beginning that it was a game. Another thing is that I very often do not perceive all emotions as a game. It's my fault
Gestie: I'm telling you, it's not easy for me, it's very difficult for me.
Egli: It will pass.
Gestie: I'm really struggling, by God's grace. Let me use things outside, with my family, with everything, with my relationship because I really loved that girl. I'm struggling, believe me. I said that word because my heart was broken. Maybe I hurt you.