The good
You know what you want. You may not know how to get it at first, but you are good at reading your environment and with a little experience you quickly figure out how to get it.
You have strategic thinking. And not to take it to extremes, you can also put one foot in front of the other and with slow but tested steps, make a plan that helps you get closer to your goal. This becomes a way of thinking and thus you end up being the smartest and wisest of the bunch!
You may not advertise your feelings much, but that doesn't mean you're indifferent to them. In fact, you prefer to keep them private and express them when people around you have tried and trusted them.
Let's get to the bad, now!
Sometimes, especially you Virgos and Capricorns, especially those with an ascendant or moon in these signs, you tend to lose the line between "don't tell" and "if I don't talk"
and I don't express what I feel, I can lose the other person, because he/she will think that I am not interested!".
You have tremendous difficulty adjusting to situations that you did not control, approve, or want.
We'll say it even if you don't agree with us: you're too demanding, to the point of being unpleasant, awkward, sour. I know it should normally be on your list of positives, but as an Earth sign and because you're a stubborn, stubborn child and all that good stuff, being demanding crosses the line of self-protection and self-esteem and is enough for us out, at the limit of 'and you smote us and cast us down and worthless! That's enough!"