Covid-19 has already become the main virus of the summer, affecting all age groups, but in children it is appearing with more severe symptoms.
Sources from the pediatric ward at QSUT claim that emergencies and hospitalizations have increased these days. From the swab, it appears that most of the emergencies in pediatrics are for the complications created by Covid-19.
Doctors at the Specialized Lung Clinic in Tirana say that now the main virus of the season is Covid-19. General symptoms include muscle pain, sore throat, fatigue or cough, but there is usually no lung involvement that needs antibiotic treatment.
Adults have acquired immunity from the virus, as most have been vaccinated or acquired natural immunity, but in pediatric age the symptoms are more severe.
Babies a few months old have no immunity and facing Covid-19 for the first time, they are facing slightly more serious consequences. The virus is widespread, but tamponade is very low due to mild symptoms.
Almost the majority of pediatric emergencies these hot summer days are caused by Covid-19. After the examinations and swabbing have been done, it turns out that the babies are either with the virus or post-Covid, claim the sources at QSUT.
The coronavirus has created complications for babies, some of whom have been admitted to intensive care units. But for doctors this situation is not worrisome, since even Covid-19 has already turned into a simple virus and thus will be treated in medical protocols.
All viruses generally cause symptoms up to loss of life in vulnerable population groups. Especially during winter, all viruses are the main cause of loss of life in people with chronic diseases.
Four years after the emergence of Covid-19, the world is facing a higher burden of disease due to the damage that the pandemic created. The number of chronic patients increased due to Covid-19.
A large part of people affected by Covid-19 remain chronically ill. Patients who have had severe Covid-19 do not feel the same as before, almost a year after they have passed the infection.
In many people, vital organs are severely damaged, requiring lifelong treatment. In one part, the lung suffered permanent damage, while in others the cardiovascular system, kidneys, bones and nervous system were damaged.
Post-Covid pulmonary fibrosis, apart from being a new burden on the system, significantly reduces the productivity of life in affected persons.
In general, these people cannot cope with heavy physical work and need lifelong medication, becoming a burden for society and the health system in the long term.MONITOR