After a few astrologically difficult months, two signs attract abundance in November 2024, starting already with the welcoming new moon in Scorpio on the first day of the month. Mercury in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo and Venus in Capricorn give a greater impetus to the positive energy of the days, while even the Full Moon, which creates difficulties and brings tensions, will not affect the following representatives for a long time the zodiac.
Your relationships are flourishing with Jupiter in your house of relationships, leading you to see your friendships and romantic relationships in a different light. With Saturn also aspecting this helpful house, finding the right people to connect with can be difficult at times, but with patience, you'll get there. Now you get a clear picture of what you want, become more empathetic and listen to others, which leads to better coexistence, good times and relaxation.
With Venus in your sign at the beginning of the month you feel very beautiful and everyone can see it. The movement of Venus to Capricorn on the 11th strengthened your finances and favors the acquisition of new knowledge. Saturn will be direct on November 15th, the same day as the Full Moon in Taurus. Take care of your relationships with others and protect your goals. Projects you may have put on hold during Saturn's retrograde may start to pique your interest again. The Sun in your sign on November 21st adds another element of fun and joy, continuing to build your esteem, your connections and strengthen your relationships.